Sunday, September 27, 2015

Arthur Binard Lecture

Last Monday I had the opportunity to attend a lecture given by Arthur Binard, a renowned translater and poet from the United States and who has lived in Japan for over half of his life. In his talk, Mr. Binard discussed words, and how they can have the power to change our own perceptions, and those of the people around us. Mr. Binard talked about how he first realized the full gravity of this after a trip to Japan, where he saw first hand remnants from American nuclear bomb attacks on Japan. He spoke powerfully about how words like "atomic" and "mushroom cloud" have real, intrinsic meaning in this day in age because of the events associated with them, and how their use in advertising and other mundane application can and probably are misuses of these words and phrases. The ideas he presented were very interesting, and it is a shame I wasn't able to make it to his poetry reading on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Image result for nd marching band
Image courtesy of
My Daily Routine

わたしわ まいにち ごぜん はちじはんに おきます。そして シワーお あびます。あさごはんお ぜんぜん たべません。じゅぎょうに いきます。じゅうにじごろ ひるごはんお たべます。そのあと べんきょうします。まいばん バンドのれんしゅお します。そして しゅくだいお します。ごぜん いちじごろ ねます。

Sunday, September 6, 2015

1. はじめまし。ラムです。にねんせです。せんこうはせいじがくです。アメリカじんです。どうぞよろしく

One Japanese thing I love is an originally Japanese card game known as ラブレター (or Love Letter). Love Letter is a game of bluffing, strategy, deduction, and a bit of luck.

The theme of the game involves a princess, and a number of suitors (represented as the players) who are attempting to win her hand. Every night (round) the suitors attempt to use others in the castle to deliver their love letter to the princess, enlisting the help of lowly soldiers, brave knights, and many others in their pursuit of the princess' hand.

(Courtesy of
Pictured here are cards from the original set. The game has since been reprinted many times with many different flavor varieties, including but not limited to versions based on the Munchkin card game and the Batman Comic Book Series.

This game is a lot of fun for 2-4 players, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone searching for an interesting way to spend a few evenings with friends and/or family.